Friday, August 26, 2016

Pokemon Egg Chart

Here's a chart of which Pokemon hatch out of which eggs:

So for example, Chansey will only hatch out of a 10km egg. But you could get an Abra from a 5km egg or a 10km egg.
And a Zubat could come out of a 2km, 5km, or 10km egg.
So even if you have a 10km egg, there's still a chance you might just hatch a regular old Ratatta!

(Thanks to reddit user Taiyo4D for this awesome chart!)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Update: Appraisal

Now you can have your gym leader appraise your Pokemon! Here's how:

Tap the menu button from a Pokemon's profile screen...

Then tap 'Appraise'

Your gym leader (Spark, in my case) will give you a quick rundown of your Pokemon's strength and size

Monday, August 22, 2016

Pokemon Type Weakness/Advantage Chart

Here is a chart to help you know which Pokemon to use when battling or training at a gym.
The attacking Pokemon is on the left, and the defending Pokemon is on the top.

So let's say I want to know how my Seadra's Water Gun attack will fare against Flareon.

The attacking Pokemon's move (Water Gun) is a water type attack, and the defending Pokemon (Flareon) is a fire type.
So when I look for Water on the left, and align it with Fire on the top, I see that Water Gun will be two times stronger than usual against Flareon!

(I tried to find the original source for this chart, but had no luck. If anyone knows who made this chart, please let me know in the comments!)

Transfer Candy

A pokemon will only give +1 candy when transferred, regardless of its combat power and/or level of evolution.
For example, a CP 40 Rattata and a CP 450 Raticate will each give just +1 candy when transferred, so plan accordingly :)

Friday, August 19, 2016

No More Bold/Italics

You can no longer use HTML tags to put a pokemon's name in italics and/or bold.

You will get this message if you try

Previously bolded/italicized names have been allowed to remain, however

Pika Girl - S3RL

(video not mine :) )

Pokestop and Gym Map

For a good idea where to find gyms and pokestops, try Pokemon Go Maps.
Feel free to contribute your own local stops!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

That 10th Stop

Normally, each pokestop will give you 3-5 items and +50 exp. But every 10th stop will give you up to 7 items and +100 exp!
But it only works if all 10 stops are unique, so no hitting the same stop twice :)

Pokemon Swag

For some awesome pokemon gear, please check out Perler Wonder!
They have all kinds of cute, nerdy, and spooky accessories (keychains coming soon!)

Pikachu bow hair clip

Charmander bow hair clip

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Evolve Wisely

A trainer has two Oddish. One has stronger attacks, and one has a higher CP. Which one should the trainer evolve to get the strongest Gloom?

Answer: Always select for CP over attacks. Attacks will all be replaced randomly when a pokemon evolves, but the CP will increase based on the unevolved pokemon's initial CP.

Combat Power Estimator

Want to know the approximate combat power (CP) of a pokemon's evolved form? Try the Pokefind Evolve Calculator.


(video not mine :) )

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Region Exclusive Pokemon

As of right now, there are four pokemon who can only be caught in specific parts of the world.
Farfetch'd is exclusive to East Asia.
Kangaskhan is exclusive to Australia.
Mr. Mime is exclusive to Europe.
And finally, Tauros is exclusive to North America.

That being said, all four can still be found inside 5km eggs!

Friday, August 12, 2016

In it for the Long Haul

For the long treks hunting pokemon and visiting pokestops and gyms, there are a few things you can do to get in the zone.
For one, you should activate battery saver mode in the settings menu. This will blank your screen while your phone is upside-down in your hand or pocket. If vibration is on, your phone will still vibrate when a pokemon enters your area (or vice versa.)

You also probably want to turn off the background music so it doesn't get repetitive and distracting.

Finally, you probably want to set your screen timeout to maximum. This way your screen won't turn off while you're hanging out in battery saver mode. You should be able to do this from your phone's settings menu.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Don't Pop the Item Bubbles

After you spin the disk at a pokestop, you can hit the exit button instead of popping the item bubbles. The items will still be collected.
This saves time when collecting from multiple pokestops while riding as a passenger in a vehicle (never play while driving, obviously!)

Turn Off Bluetooth

Your phone's battery will last longer while playing pokemon go (and in general) if you turn off its bluetooth feature.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Always Check Your Gyms

When you're going past a gym of your color, always check it out, even if you're not planning on training there.
Why? Because there might be an open slot for you to leave a pokemon there, earning you a quick and easy 10 pokecoins.

Types of Throws

Different types of throws will give you different experience bonuses and a lower chance of the pokemon breaking free from the pokeball.
A Nice throw will earn you 10 extra experience.
A Great throw will earn you 50 extra experience.
An Excellent throw will earn you 100 extra experience.
A curve ball will earn you 10 extra experience and stack with other throw bonuses. For example, you can throw a curve ball that is also a Great throw.
And all special throws will lower the chance of the pokemon breaking free.

Cari Pokemon - Faiha

(video not mine :) )

How to Throw a Curve Ball

Wind up the pokeball before throwing it to do a curve ball.
A curve ball will get you 10 extra experience (20 with a lucky egg activated) and a lower chance of the pokemon breaking out of the ball.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Go for the Gyms

When you see a gym, you may be tempted to move on and focus your time on pokestops.
However, even if you can't defeat all the pokemon, battling and training at gyms whenever possible is a good way to earn experience, burn off extra items, and either raise or lower the prestige of the gym (depending if it's controlled by members of your team or not.)

For example, even if a gym is defended by multiple pokemon and you're only able to defeat just one, you'll still earn experience (and possibly medals) for yourself, burn off extra potions and revives when you heal your pokemon after the battle, and raise or lower the prestige of the gym.

Besides, what's a pokemon game without battling and training??

Pokemon Sign Names in American Sign Language (ASL)

(video not mine :) )

How to Control Eevee's Evolution

To get a Vaporeon, name your eevee Rainer before evolving it.
To get a Jolteon, name it Sparky or Sparkly.
To get a Flareon, name it Pyro.

Vaporeon is generally the strongest of the three. You may need to reload your game after naming your Eevee for this trick to work!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Incubator Strategy

Get more bang for your buck by using your infinite (∞) incubator for pokemon eggs that have shorter hatch times. Use your limited-use incubators for pokemon eggs with longer hatch times. This way, the net total use of your limited incubators will be greater.

Out with the Old

Once you reach a certain level, unless you're living in a very remote location, at some point your items bag will become full.
You can remedy this by throwing away some of your less valuable items. Specifically, potions (not the super potions or the hyper potions, but the standard potions) and revives can generally be tossed in large quantities
Keeping a small stash of revives and potions will leave plenty of room for the more essential pokeballs.
Once you start getting super and hyper potions regularly, standard potions can be tossed completely!

You'll generally have way more revives and standard potions than you need.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Turn Off AR

It's much easier to aim a pokeball accurately if you turn off the Augmented Reality (AR) feature.

While capturing a pokemon, the AR switch is in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Get Strong

At lower levels, it's far more efficient to use your pokemon candy to evolve rather than power up.
To get a stronger pokemon, for the most part you can simply catch another one as your level increases.

Throw Good

It's easier to throw a pokeball using your index finger, not your thumb. Your accuracy will improve a lot.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Lucky Egg Experience Trick (Don't Catch Fearow!)

Save a lucky egg, an incense, and a bunch of pokemon to evolve.
Pop the egg and the incense, and start evolving the pokemon. The egg will give you double experience for any pokemon you evolve or catch for 30 minutes.

Bonus: When a pokemon is entered into your pokedex for the first time, you get experience.
If you evolve it with a lucky egg activated instead of catching it for the first time, you can get double experience for it.
This works well for evolved forms of common pokemon such as raticate, pidgeotto, fearow, etc.

Get Back Here

If you're trying to catch a pokemon and it keeps busting out of the ball, it will move further and further away with each breakout. This can make it tricky to hit, especially with flying types.
But if you run away, the pokemon will still be in the same spot on the map. You can try to catch it once more, and it will be close to you again.

Don't Draw Back

To avoid wasting pokeballs when throwing a straight shot, make sure you're not drawing back before you throw. This can cause you to accidentally throw a curveball and miss.